Monday, January 14, 2013

Look just sodomize each other with your AK-15

Because it is clear the fellatio isn't working.

An organized "armed-community" in Idaho (naturally).



Montag said...

5000 paranoid gun nuts trapped with each other inside a walled fortress in the middle of winter in Idaho.

There's a black comedy script in this.

pansypoo said...

is there a key we can lose?

Donna Hrkman Designs said...

That just says "freedom" to me!

Someone should toss in a string of firecrackers sometime and reduce the population by a panic reflex.

Anonymous said...

It would be a perfect area for the Army's junior birdmen to practice their drone flying and targeting skills.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, Nirvana. Take 5,000 assault weapons and 50,000 rounds of ammo, whisk in 5,000 psychotics, each with paranoid delusions of being Rambo. Shall we make a pool for how long it takes for the internecine war for dominance begins?

Anonymous said...

Someone should toss in a string of firecrackers

Or better still, give Dick Cheney a visitor's pass...