Saturday, January 07, 2012

Oh those quaint ittle people

It's New Hampshire's turn to get the passive-aggressive contempt of the media now.
You learn that Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.) is awful at small talk. Texas Gov. Rick Perry is a ham, breaking into funny voices and goofy faces. And former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney is . . . not like that at all. “Like talking to your doctor,” one voter remembered.
I'm guessing more like your proctologist.

Here's the deal with Romney, he's such a fake, so clearly a phony, that it has pretty much become his strategy. Nobody believes a thing he says -- and therefore saying the crazy pathetic shit he says awkwardly nobody is going to believe he's that crazy, just really unctuous and insincere.

And in this year of extreme GOP dementia that's a bonus for the general election.


StonyPillow said...

The contest is over. The rest of The Race To The Republican Nomination consists of trying to convince as many people as possible that Mitt's not one of the crazies, that he really cares about his country, that he's not an unpatriotic, anti-American sonuvabee, that he's a nice guy.

If he really cares about America, why the heck is he a Republican? That taint don't wash off, man.

pansypoo said...

mitt is clearly a sociopath.

Colin Escherich said...

Mittens? Like a proctologist? You may be righter than you think.