Thursday, January 05, 2012

Frothied it up

Nice explanation:
"I didn't say black people. I started to say word and kind of went 'bleurgh' and mixed my thoughts. I started to say one word and came up with a different word and moved on."
Uh huh...let's go to the video.


jimmiraybob said...

I guess that I can understand that switching between ni**er and black under such conditions might come out sounding something like 'bleurgh'. Innocent enough mistake.

I blame it on the media and liberal secularists and witches. This will not be a problem in a 13th century GOP America.

Unknown said...

You'll notice that there was not one bleurgh person in the audience listening to Sanatorium.

DanF said...

"I apologize for saying what I was thinking."

Montag said...

Ah, well, just because a couple of clowns have bailed out as the clown car heads for the cliff, it does not mean that the clown car has changed direction.

Its course remains straight and true.

Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs! said...

Dogwhistle malfunction!

pansypoo said...

need to clean it up a little for the finals.

jimmiraybob said...

And today, responding to the encouraging jobs numbers.

"Santorum, who has harshly criticized Obama on the economy, said he was 'very gratified' that hiring had picked up but suggested the boost was tied to voters’ optimism that a Republican would win the White House."

This whole TeabirchhaddyPublican race for the presidency is obviously just a cover for rooting out the stupidest GOPPER Americans for ridicule and a Latka Gravas lifetime achievement award. A neo-Andy Kaufman production and has nothing to do with actually trying to run the country.

That's the optimistic explanation.