Thursday, April 21, 2011

Here's a picture to get the flesh eating bacteria of our stupid discourse out of your brains

The universe is still gigantic, magnificent and elegantly and inertly doesn't give a fuck:

On April 24th, 1990, the Space Shuttle Discovery roared into space, carrying HST into orbit and into history. In honor of this anniversary, astronomers have released a new image of the interacting galaxies Arp 273


Anonymous said...

"...Space Shuttle Discovery roared into space, carrying HST into orbit.."

They put Harry S. Truman into orbit in 1990? Who knew! The things you learn on the series of tubes.

Maybe he was pissed that Missouri elected John "Let the eagle soar" Ashcroft Governor...?

pansypoo said...

until i can get to the alternate universe without stupids. i am not impressed.

Raoul Paste said...

"...Space Shuttle Discovery roared into space, carrying HST into orbit.."

Hunter S. Thompson went into orbit?
In a spacecraft?