Thursday, November 11, 2010


When are Glenn Beck and Randy Quaid either getting gay-married and/or announcing they're running mates in 2012?


jimmiraybob said...

In the good old days, especially in Heartland America where sugar canes dance and unicorns prance, the crazy uncle would be just tolerated around the holidays.....for the sake of family coherence.....and the children.

These days it's like the crazy uncle up and moved in and invited all of his crazy bretheren to live in and run your home. And the more you strive for order and sanity, the more crazy people move in and the crazier they get.

Maybe I saw this once on Twilight Zone. Maybe not.

omen said...

national lampoon combined with twilight zone.

it's both hilariously absurd and a slow motion nightmare at the same time.

maybe i should seek medication.

Anonymous said...

turn it off.
sharpen your pikes.
prepare for extreme deprivation.
Then more. Then more.
then do something.

pansypoo said...

when we NEED an unhappy ending.