Saturday, May 15, 2010

Well sure they're all genuises

And it's great Obama is sending a group of original brilliant thinkers to the Gulf to try to solve the oil geyser (I just hope Hannibal can trick that one into getting on an airplane again).

But I think there's a well-known precedent these jobs are supposed to be performed by former Arabian Horse Commissioners.

(I've written this Friday night for posting Saturday morning, I just pray no one has stolen this lame joke first)


StonyPillow said...

Bruce Willis is missing. World ain't gonna get saved without Bruce Willis.

But if Obama is looking for a way to actually motivate oil industry executives, I'd also like to remind him of the immortal words of Samuel Johnson:
"The prospect of hanging concentrates the mind wonderfully."

Anonymous said...

"The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming."
Aren't they?
Why not?
They have experience.
They closed several gas wells with "the bomb."

Raoul Paste said...

I love it when a plan comes together.

pansypoo said...

obviously BP doesn't have any geniuses.

Beleck3 said...

BP has many geniuses. they are just not concerned about things like oil spills. Profit, Baby Profit. that's where the geniuses are focused on.

Montag said...

Ah, well, at least this gives the public the illusion of progress, and, certainly, even this bunch can't behave any more stupidly than the cretins running the various oil companies involved in this tragedy.

What I find interesting is that the government apparently no longer has its own experts--from, say, the Bureau of Mines, or the EPA, or, heaven forfend, the Minerals Management Service, charged with overseeing offshore drilling.

They've been emptied out in favor of industry insiders, and in that, the public should take a strong object lesson. It's not just that the MMS was having sex-and-coke parties with the people they were supposed to be regulating, but, also, that they forced out and silenced the ordinary government servants that might have prevented this mess.

It's not an idle observation to remind people that their government is supposed to serve them, rather than the fatcats, and that it cannot do that when corrupt politicians encourage the fatcats to capture the regulators.